Black tea

  • China

    Typical are malty, sweet teas, some of which are also reminiscent of chocolate and wood.

  • India

    Indian black teas have a very broad aroma spectrum, from malty, chocolaty cups to flowery, fresh notes.

  • Sri Lanka (Ceylon)

    Darker, malty notes are typical of Ceylon black teas, but there are also finer aromas with citrus notes.

  • Taiwan

    Fruity, elegant notes with floral and cinnamon undertones are typical.

  • Nepal

    Typical floral, muscatel notes are reminiscent of Darjeeling.

  • Africa

    Typical are darker, malty cups with a fine citrus note.

  • Mixtures

    Here you will find our black tea blends, which are usually somewhat darker and more intense. Some of these blends are often drunk with a dash of milk or cream.